Natural Resource Management

Bushcare Management Plan

The Lake Grace Bushcare Project is a collaboration between the Lake Grace Community Resource Centre and the Lake Grace Land Conservation District Committee. It was funded by a Community Stewardship Grant of just under $35,000 with in-kind support from the Shire of Lake Grace and the Lake Grace CRC in addition to considerable volunteer labour including planting and ongoing watering of trees, design, and project management. The project began in 2021. Below is a link to a copy of the Bushcare Management Plan:

Bushcare Management Plan

Wind erosion

The wind erosion process detaches soil particles from the land surface and transports them by wind. It occurs when forces exerted by wind overcome the gravitational and cohesive forces of soil particles on the surface of the ground.

Wind erosion is a natural process that commonly occurs in deserts and on coastal sand dunes and beaches. During drought, it can also occur in agricultural regions where vegetation cover is reduced.

If the climate becomes drier or windier, then wind erosion is likely to increase. Climate change forecasts suggest that wind erosion will increase over the next 30 years due to more droughts and more variable climate.

DustWatch is a community program that monitors and reports on the extent and severity of wind erosion across Australia. It is led by scientists, with support from observers from government agencies and the community to View Dustwatch Reports.

To view the dust storm in Lake Grace Click Dust activity for January 2013

Wheatbelt Natural Resource Management Website