Lake Grace Library
The Lake Grace Library is a public place that welcomes you to come for a browse, to borrow or to utilise services that are available which is located on School Place and is in the same building as the Community Resource Centre.
The library has stock of many items such as books, DVDs, audio CDs and conducts a monthly exchange which provides users with new items.

Opening Hours
Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm
Closed for lunch 12.30 - 1pm
How to join the library
- Membership is free
- We require your name, current address and drivers licence.
- If under 18 we require your parents/guardian consent
- If you are a visitor to our library please enquire about a temporary membership.
How many can I borrow?
- You can borrow up to 4 items (books, DVDs, CDs)
- The loan period is 2 weeks.
By signing in with their library card, members can enjoy BorrowBox for a wide selection of bestselling eAudiobooks and eBooks, and eMagazines. Kanopy delivers one of the largest collections of indie films, classic cinema, festival and educational documentaries right to your device or compatible TV!
There are also a number of Reference databases and eResources for kids available such as Ancestry, Britannica, and Story box Library.
What services do we offer at the library?
Loan services for:
- Books; fiction, non-fiction
- Junior and adult selection
- Audio Books
- DVDs
- VDX books (on request)
- Laminating
- Reference material
For further information please contact the library on 08 9865 1185.

Newdegate Library
The Newdegate Library and Community Resource Centre is a public place that welcomes you to come for a browse, to borrow or to utilise services that are available.
You will find us on Collier Street Newdegate.
Did you know that we offer Inter Library loan that are processed every Thursday?
Opening Hours
- Monday - Thursday 8.30am - 4.30pm, closed for lunch 12noon - 1pm
- Friday 9am - 2pm
What services do we offer at the library?
- Inter Library loans/Public Library
- Relaxing area to browse /read books (lounge chairs)
- WIFI Internet Usage
- Video/Audio Conference Room’s
- Photo printing
- Westlink
- Tea & Coffee
- Display centre for the Lakes Districts Regional Herbarium rare fauna/flora. The local botanist leaves her work here for those who would like to observe her work
By signing in with their library card, members can enjoy BorrowBox and OverDrive for a wide selection of bestselling eAudiobooks and eBooks, while RB Digital offers current and back issues of popular eMagazines. Kanopy delivers one of the largest collections of indie films, classic cinema, festival and educational documentaries right to your device or compatible TV!
There are also a number of Reference databases and eResources for kids available such as Ancestry, Britannica, and Story box Library.
How to join the library
- Membership is free
- We require your name, current address and 3 pieces of ID (one must have a photo)
- If under 18 we require your parent/guardian consent
- If you are a visitor to our library please enquire about a temporary membership.
How many can I borrow?
Our borrowing limit here is 4 of each category (i.e.- 4 Fiction, 4 Non Fiction etc)
Our loan period is 2 weeks. Need more information about a book or our services?
Please contact the Newdegate Comunity Resource Centre on 08 9871 1791.

Lake King Library
The Lake King Library is a shared library that services the Community as well as the Lake King Primary School. You are welcome to come and browse or borrow. We are located between the Lake King Hall and the Lake King Primary School on Newdegate-Ravensthorpe Road, Lake King.
Opening Hours
- Tuesday 8.30 am – 3.30 pm
- Thursday 8.30 am – 3.30 pm
- Generally only one day during the school holiday periods as advertised.
What services do we offer at the library?
- Inter Library loans for books unavailable at Lake King to cater for your special interests or favourite authors
- Range of Adult and Children's Fiction, Non-fiction Books, DVDs and Audios
- Relaxing area to browse /read books
How to join the library
- Membership is free
- We require your name, current address and drivers licence
How much can I borrow?
Our borrowing limit here is 10 books.
Our loan period is 2 weeks, but feel free to renew for a longer period if required.
Please contact the Lake King Library on 0898744147
By signing in with their library card, members can enjoy BorrowBox and Libby for a wide selection of bestselling eAudiobooks and eBooks, and back issues of popular eMagazines. Kanopy delivers one of the largest collections of indie films, classic cinema, festival and educational documentaries right to your device or compatible TV!
There are also a number of Reference databases and eResources for kids available such as Ancestry, Britannica, and Story box Library.