Fees and Charges

2024 / 2025 - Fees & Charges


Dog Fees

*Set by Statute

Dog Registration Fees
Sterilised Dogs* - Discounts applicable
One Year of Registration $20.00
Three Years of Registration $42.50
Lifetime  Registration $100.00 
Unsterilised Dogs - Discounts applicable
One Year of registration $50.00
Three years of registration $120.00
Lifetime registration $250.00
Dangerous Dogs * (Dog Act s33E, Dog Regulations r.4) Discounts are not applicable
One Year of Registration $50.00
Registration Fee Discounts* - Fee rounded up, discounts applied multiplicatively
Dog owned by pensioner Reduce fee by 50%
Dog used for droving/tending stock Reduce fee by 75%
Registration after 31 May in any year, for that registration year Reduce fee by 50%
Dog tag (replacement) $1.00
Registration of dog kept in an approved kennel establishment licensed under s.28 - per establishment $200.00
Application Fee $50.00
Annual Licence Fee - 10 or Fewer Dogs $100.00
Annual Licence Fee - More than 10 Dogs $150.00
Dog Pound Fees
Impounding Fee $70.00
Pound Sustenance Fee (per day) $20.00
Destruction or disposal At Cost

Cat Fees

*Set by Statute

Cat Registration Fees
Grant or Renewal of Registration
One year, if after 31 May in any year for that registration year $10.00
One year, at any other time $20.00
Three years $42.50
Lifetime $100.00 
Cat owner is a pensioner Reduce fee by 50%
Cat Breeders Registration
Grant or Renewal per Breeding Cat (Male or Female) $100.00
Cat Tag (Replacement) $1.00
Cat Pound Fees
Impounding Fee $70.00
Pound Sustenance Fee (per day) $20.00
Destruction or Disposal At Cost

Building Controls

*Set by Statute

Applications for Building Permits, Demolition Permits
Certified Applications for a building permit:
 - for building work for a Class 1 or Class 10 building or incidental structure

0.19% of work value
(minimum $110.00)

 - for building work for a Class 2 to Class 9 building or incidental structure

0.09% of work value
(minimum $110.00)

Uncertified application for a building permit 0.32% of work value
(minimum $110.00)
Application for a demolition permit:
 - for demolition work in respect of a Class 1 or Class 10 building or incidental structure $110.00
 - for demolition work in respect of a Class 2 to Class 9 building $110.00/storey
Application to extend the time during which a building or demolition permit has effect $110.00
Application for Occupancy Permits, Building Approval Certificates
Application for an occupancy permit for a completed building $110.00
Application for a temporary occupancy permit for an incomplete building $110.00
Application for modification of an occupancy permit for additional use of a building on a temporary basis $110.00
Application for a replacement occupancy permit for permanent change of the building's use, classification $110.00
Application for an occupancy permit or building approval certificate for registration of strata scheme, plan of re-subdivision $11.60/strata
(minimum $115.00)
Application for an occupancy permit for a building in respect of which unauthorised work has been done 0.18% of unauthorised work value
(minimum $110.00)
Application for a building approval certificate for a building in respect of which unauthorised work has been done 0.38% of unauthorised work value
(minimum $110.00)
Application to replace an occupancy permit for an existing building $110.00
Application for a building approval certificate for an existing building where unauthorised work has not been done $110.00
Application to extend the time during which an occupancy permit or building approval certificate has effect $110.00
Appointment of a new builder $110.00
Building Services Levy
If building work value is $45,000 or less:
 - Building Permit $61.65
 - Demolition permit $61.65
 - Occupancy permit for authorised but incomplete building $61.65
 - Occupancy permit for unauthorised building $123.30
 - Occupancy permit for completed building No Levy Payable
 - Modification to occupancy permit for additional use under Building Act s48 No Levy Payable
 - Building approval for unauthorised building $123.30
If building work value is more than $45,000:
 - Building permit 0.137% or work value
 - Demolition permit 0.137% of work value
 - Occupancy permit for authorised but incomplete building $61.65
 - Occupancy permit for unauthorised building 0.274% of work value
 - Occupancy permit for completed building No Levy Payable
 - Modification to occupancy permit for additional use under Building Act s48 No Levy Payable
 - building approval for unauthorised building 0.274% of work value
Construction Training Fund Levy (BCITF)
If building work value is $20,000 or less No charge
If building work value is more than $20,000 0.2% of work value
Other Fees
Application as defined in regulation 31 (for each building standard in respect of which a declaration is sought) $2,160.15
Application for approval of battery powered smoke alarms $179.40
Swimming Pool Inspections, done every 4 years $58.45
Building Surveyor - Time Cost $69.00/hour
Building Surveyor - Travel Cost $0.86/km
Footpath, Kerb & Road Bond $1,000.00

Cemetery & Burial

Cemetery Fees
Interment – Burial  $1,250.00
Second Interment - Burial $1,470.00
Interment - Ashes into Grave $165.00
Interment - Ashes into Niche Wall Plot & Plaque Mounting $165.00
Plaque Mounting only (on Niche Wall) $103.00
Exhumation only $1,470.00
Exhumation & re-interment in a Shire of Lake Grace Cemetery $2,200.00
Cemetery Fees Additionals
Grave Digging beyond 1.8m $103.00 
Interment Works on Weekends and Public Holidays (Graves and Niche Wall) 20% of total costs
Interment of Ashes and/ or plaque mounting done by family or relative Reduce fee by 50%
Reservation Fees
Grant of Right of Burial (25 years) $135.00
Transfer of Grant of Right of Burial (duration carried over) $92.00
Niche Wall Single Plot (25 years) $41.00
Niche Wall Double Plot (25 years) $57.00
Transfer of Niche Wall Reservation (duration carried over) Free
License & Permit fees
Funeral Director Licence - Annual $113.00
Funeral Director Licence - Single Permit $92.00
Work Permit - Monument Erection (Foundation, base & Headstone) $87.00
Work Permit - Full Monument Erection or Relocation (Foundation, Base, Headstone, Kerbing, Slab Cover/Infill) $206.00
Work Permit - Upgrade Monument to Full Monument $82.00


Governance Functions

Rating Enquiries

Rates Enquiries General $30.00

Property Settlement Enquiry

Complete Property Search $70.00
Black & White Maps, A4 or A3 size $11.00
Coloured Maps, A4 or A3 paper size $14.50
Black & White Maps, A4 or A3 paper size, laminated $25.00
Coloured Maps A4 or A3 paper size, laminated $28.00
Coloured Maps, A2 or A1 paper size, un-laminated $28.00
Electoral Rolls $8.00
Payment arrangement - dishonour fee $10.00
Administration Fee - Staff Time - ACTUAL COST Actual
Copy of Council Minutes (per annum) – Hard copy mailed $165.00
Freedom of Information (FOI) Application Fee *Set by Statute $30.00
Staff Time dealing with application per hour or pro rata $30.00
Access time supervised by staff per hour or pro rata plus actual additional cost to the agency of any special arrangements (e.g. Hire of facilities or equipment) $30.00
Charges for photocopying per hour or pro rata $30.00
Per copy $0.20
Staff time to transcribe information from tape or other device per hour or pro rata $30.00
Charge for duplicating tape, film or computer information - ACTUAL COST Actual
Charge for delivery, packaging and postage - ACTUAL COST Actual

Fencing Local Law

Application for Electrified or Razor Wire Fencing      $50.00


Administration and Inspection

Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulations 1997
Noise Management Plan Fee $500.00
Late Fee for notifiable event (Reg 19D) $500.00
Food Business (Food Act 2008)
- Exempt No charge
- All Others $67.00
- Exempt* No charge
- Registration - $55 or $110 Risk Base

$55 or $110 Risk Base

- Low risk $62.00
- Medium / High risk $113.30

*Exempt Food Businesses :

(i) in which 100% of profits go for community or charitable causes, staff or contractors are not paid and the food is cooked and presented for immediate consumption or is not potentially hazardous food.

(ii) that sell only pre-packaged non-potentially hazardous food (eg newsagent selling pre-packaged confectionary or hairdressers serving tea/coffee in connection with another service.

Liquor Act Certification Section 39 $130.00

Hire of Shire Property

Hall Hire Fees

For all Halls within the Shire

Community Hall Hire - Short Term Hire (including supper room and kitchen)
Per hour between 6:00 am to 6:00 pm $8.50
Entire block from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm $48.00
Per hour between 6:00 pm to 6:00 am $17.50
Entire block from 6:00 pm to 6:00 am $119.00
Single Hirer - Multiple Bookings Each Week (including supper room and Kitchen)
Per hour between 6:00 am to 6:00 pm $6.50
Entire block from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm $38.50
Per hour between 6:00 pm to 6:00 am $13.00
Entire block from 6:00 pm to 6:00 am) $110.50
Long Term Multiple Sessions Hire (Client to Clean) Per Hour $6.50
Seniors Wellness 100% Concession Free
Hall Hire Bonds
Hire without liquor being present $100.00
Hire when liquor is present $150.00
Equipment $157.50
Damage to any hired equipment is to be recouped At Cost
Key Bond - All Facilities
Bond for Shire facility key $26.00
Liquor Permit Fees
Per permit (per day) for occasional license $7.00
Lakes Village Hall
Per Hour $17.00
Per Day $52.50
Recreation Centres and Pavilions
Per hour between 6:00 am to 6:00 pm $27.00
Entire block from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm $211.00
Per hour between 6:00 pm to 6:00 am $32.00
Entire block from 6:00 pm to 6:00 am $252.00
Kitchen, per hour $8.50
Bond for Pavilion Hire
Bond for Pavilion Hire $100.00
Seasonal Bond - Football, Hockey, Netball, Cricket
No seasonal bond for affiliated sporting/community groups
History Book $42.00
100 Years book $69.00
Building Rentals
Assessment - Alteration to Existing Public Building $108.00
Annual Inspection $106.00
Hire of Shire Buildings
Medical Centre Rooms (per hour) $22.00
Medical Centre Rooms (per day) $119.00


Standpipe Water
Per Kilo Litre (1,000 litres) - Non-civil Works (i.e. Agriculture) $3.00
Per Kilo Litre (1,000 litres) - Civil Works & Construction Works $5.00
Swipe Card Bond - Trust $51.00
New Swipe Card Free with bond
Replacement Swipe Card $51.00
Admin Fee (applied with new or replacement swipe cards) $35.50
Extractive Industries
Annual License $344.00
Transfer of License $114.00
Tourism & Area Promotion
AIM Admission Fee, Adult (over 16) $5.00
AIM Admission Fee, Entire Family with Dependent Children $10.00


Development Applications
1. Determination of development application (other than for an extractive industry) where the development has not commenced or been carried out and the estimated cost of the development is -
- not more than $50,000 $147.00
- more than $50,000 but not more than $500,000 0.32% of the estimated cost of development
- more than $500,000 but not more than $2.5 million $1,700 + 0.257% for every $1 in excess of $500,000
- more than $2.5 million but not more than $5 million $7,161 + 0.206% for every $1 in excess of $2.5 million
- more than $5 million but not more than $21.5 million $12,633 + 0.123% for every $1 in excess of $5 million
- more than $21.5 million $34,196.00
2. Determining a development application (other than for an extractive industry) where the development has commenced or been carried out The fee in item 1 plus, by way of penalty, twice that fee
3. Determination of development application for an extractive industry where the development has not commenced or been carried out $739.00
4. Determining a development application for an extractive industry where the development has commenced or been carried out The fee in item 3 plus, by way of penalty, twice that fee
5A. Determining an application to amend or cancel development approval $295.00
5. Providing a subdivision clearance for -
(a) not more than 5 lots $73.00 per lot
(b) more than 5 lots but not more than 195 lots $73.00 per lot for the first 5 lots than $35.00 per lot
(c) more than 195 lots $7,393.00
6. Determining an initial application for approval of a home occupation or home business where the home occupation or home business has not commenced $222.00
7. Determining an initial application for approval of a home occupation or home business where the home occupation or home business has commenced The fee in item 6 plus, by way of penalty, twice that fee
8. Determining an application for the renewal of an approval a home occupation or home business where the application is made before the approval expires. $73.00
9. Determining an application for the renewal of an approval of home occupation or home business where the application is made after the approval has expired The fee in item 8 plus, by way of penalty, twice that fee
10. Determining an application for a change of use or for an alteration or extension or change of a non-conforming use to which item 1 does not apply, where the change or the alteration, extension or change has not commenced or been carried out $295.00
11. Determining an application for a change of use or for an alteration or extension or change of a non-conforming use to which item 2 does not apply, where the change or the alteration, extension or change has commenced or been carried out The fee in item 10 plus, by way of penalty, twice that fee
12. Public advertising of development applications, scheme amendments, Structure Aplans, Activity Centre Plans or Development Plans. Cost plus 10% administration fee plus 10% GST
13. Providing a zoning certificate $73.00
14. Replying to a property settlement questionnaire $73.00
15. Providing written planning advice $73.00
16. Scheme Amendments -
a) upon lodgement of the Scheme Amendment request with the local government $1,485.00
b) following initiation of Scheme Amendment by the local government and prior to referral to the EPA for environmental clearance $1,485.00
17. Structure Plans, Activity Centre Plans or Development Plans -
a) upon lodgement of the Structure Plan, Activity Centre Plan or Development Plan with the local government $1,485.00
b) following adoption of the Structure Plan, Activity Centre Plan or Development Plan by the local government and prior to public advertising. $1,485.00
18. Liquor act Certification Section 40 $122.00
19. Deemed to comply check - development approval exemption for single house $295.00

Plant Hire & Private Works

Hire of Plant (includes operator)
Grader – per hour $255.00
Loader (Large) – per hour $255.00
Loader (Small) – per hour $212.50
Loader (Skid Steer) - per Hour $191.00
Truck (Semi-side Tipper) – per hour $223.00
Truck (Single Axle) – per hour $149.00
Backhoe – per hour $191.00
Multi Wheel Roller (16 tonne) – per hour $159.50
Vibrating Roller (60 inch) – per hour $159.50
Tractor – per hour $138.00
Tractor (with road broom attached) – per hour $143.50
Tractor (with slasher) – per hour $143.50
John Deere Tractor Mower – per hour $127.50
Light Vehicle Hire (when required) – cents/km $1.20
Sundry Plant – per day $85.00
Private Works
Private Works, as quoted by Shire, for a non-profit organisation At Cost
Private Works in any other circumstance At cost + 25%
Labour only, per hour - eg travel, waiting $64.00

Sale of Stock and Materials

Sale of Stock and Materials
Gravel ex pits – per m3 $10.00
Gravel ex Town Stock – per m3 $20.00
Sand ex Town Stock – per m3 $40.00
Materials ex Stock
5mm, 7mm, 10mm & 14mm Aggregate ex Stock – per m3 $100.00
Footpath Slabs & Bricks
Sale of surplus bricks - each $0.50

Swimming Pool Fees & Charges

Lake Grace Pool Fees

Entry Fee
Adults (excluding Seniors/Pensioners/Spectators) $4.00
Child or Student (over 5 years and attending school) $3.00
Toddlers (under 5 years) Free
Spectator (Non Swimmer) $1.00
Seniors/Pensioners $2.00
Swimming Classes (Vacation/Interim) $1.00
Season Tickets
(Dependent child is 16 years of age or younger)
Adult (16 years and over) $121.00
Child/Student/Senior/Pensioner $91.00
Family with 2 dependent children $178.00
Family with 3 or more dependent children $209.00
Single parent with 2 dependent children $133.50
Single parent with 3 or more dependent children $157.00
Discount on season tickets 15 kilometres and over from pool 10%
Australia Day Lions Celebration Free Pool Entry Until Noon
Sale of Fitness Equipment Cost plus 5% mark up

Newdegate Pool Fees

Season Tickets
Adult (18 years and over) $82.00
Seniors/Pensioners/Students/child per season $64.00
Family with 2 dependent children $166.00
Family with 3 or more dependent Children $197.50
Single parent with 2 dependent children $124.50
Single parent with 3 or more dependent children $148.00
Discount on season tickets 15 kilometres and over from pool 10%
Newdegate pool - key card bond $10.00


Traffic Licencing and Control - "LG" Fundrasier plates
Department of Transport Charge *Set by Statute $200.00
Donation to local non-profit/community group/project nominated by purchased, and agreed by CEO $100.00

Waste Disposal & Recycling

Domestic Services

Kerbside Rubbish Bin Service
Only applicable to townsites or properties accessible from the road between towns. Properties can apply for more than one bin service.
Weekly rubbish bin pickup service for one bin (per year) $152.00
Weekly rubbish bin pickup service for one bin for eligible pensioner (per year) $87.00
Provision of green 240L rubbish bin Free with each service paid for
Replacement of green 240L rubbish bin Free
Kerbside Recycling Bin Service
* Only applicable to Lake Grace and Newdegate, pickups alternate weekly between the towns. Properties can apply for more than one bin service.
Fortnightly recycling bin pickup service for one bin (per year) $156.50
Provision of yellow-top 240L recycling bin Free with each service paid for
Replacement of yellow-top 240L recycling bin Free
Trade and Other Refuse (per m3) $96.00
Commercial (per m3) $12.00

Tip Fees

Asbestos Waste Disposal
Disposal at Lake Grace Refuse Site (per m3) $240.00
Waste Drop-off
Opening of tip outside or ordinary hours, Lake Grace & Newdegate only $159.00
Used Engine Oil per L >50 Litres $0.20
Waste loads where the majority waste type is Commercial / Industrial
waste: Cardboard, Metal, Glass, Soil, Sand, Bricks, Concrete, Timber (not
including green waste).
Cost is per load disposed of at tip.
- Car, ute, box trailer (~1 cubic metre) $42.00
- Stock trailer, small open truck (~6 cubic metres) $252.00
- Large open truck, semitrailer (~20 cubic metres) $840.00
- Partially filled waste loads, percentage assessed by the tip attendant

of the above fees

Contaminated Soil (up to class 2 threshold only) per m3 $127.00
Septic Waste Disposal (WWTP) per 1000 litres $64.00
Uncontaminated Building Rubble per (per m3) (includes brick, concrete, rock, soil, green waste) (At the discretion of the landfill site operator) $27.80
Commercial/Industrial Recycling Drop-Off (per m3) $41.20
Commercial/Industrial Recycling Drop-Off - Minimum Charge $20.60
Special Burials (inc Clinical (per m3) $106.00