Environmental Health

Environmental Health encompasses the assessment and control of environmental factors that can potentially affect human health. Our services aim to provide assistance and information on a wide range of services directed at the maintenance, promotion and improvement of public and environmental health.  

The Shire of Lake Grace belongs to the Roe Regional Organisation of Councils (ROEROC). An Environmental Health Officer (EHO) is shared between the four (4) Councils in the ROEROC group. In addition we also provide EHO services to other surrounding local governments.

Contact - Environmental Health Officer

Email:      roeeho@corrigin.wa.gov.au

Public Health and Wellbeing Plan 2022-2026

The Shire of Lake Grace is pleased to present its Public Health Plan, which will provide direction for the next four (4) years and will sit alongside the Shire's Community Strategic Plan, designed to provide direction in public health, healthy lifestyles and recreational pursuits.

Development of this plan came to fruition from many correspondents who participated in the Health and Wellbeing Survey made available online through the Shire website and newsletter.  This plan will sit alongside the Council Sport and Recreation Plan and the Community Wellbeing Plan and will be delivered in collaboration with Council key stakeholders to improve health outcomes for all residents.

Further information about the Public Health and Wellbeing Plan 2022-2026 can be found here.

Food Safety

Assessment of registered food premises within the Shire for compliance with the Food Act 2008 and the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code. Activities such as food sampling, bacterial swabbing and educational seminars may also occur as required to ensure food businesses are doing their best to provide safe food to the public. If you would like to open a food business within the Shire, it is a requirement of the Food Act 2008 that you notify the Shire and are registered. To notify please contact or visit the Shire office.

The Shire of Lake Grace supports the safe handling of food. All food handlers are encouraged to participate in the free https://www.ehawa.org.au/products/foodsafe-products/foodsafe-online. On the payment details page, use this unique discount voucher “FSLAKEG330” and the $35 discount will apply. Participants will need to complete the transaction and follow the downloadable instructions to register and start the course. A printable certificate is available, once successfully completing the online course.

To preview of the FoodSafe Online promotional video, click this link https://youtu.be/NyfaUxexKNE

Recreational and Drinking Water Quality

Taking water samples of public swimming pool waters and any non-scheme potable water from sources which are intended for public use and consumption. This monitoring ensures that the water residents and visitors of the Shire swim in and consume is safe and free of harmful bacteria and other pathogens.

Infectious Disease Control

Communicable diseases are investigated at a local level by the Shire's Environmental Health Officers.

This is instigated by a doctor/s referral to the Health Department of WA once an infectious disease has been identified. This information is then referred onto Council's Environmental Officers to follow up on to find out through an interview process how the disease was caught if possible to prevent a wider spread and discover its cause. Further information on this subject can be found at http://ww2.health.wa.gov.au/

Onsite Effluent Disposal  

Assessment and approval of Applications to Construct or Install an Apparatus for the Treatment of Sewage for residents that are not connected to the town’s sewerage system. A permit to use the installed system is also required before use can occur.  

If you would like your newly installed apparatus inspected and approved for use, please contact the Shire or EHO directly to arrange a site visit.


Council’s EHO inspects all unlicensed public accommodation facilities such as motels, hostels and caravan parks, within the Shire to check that health and safety standards comply and guests enjoy a clean and safe stay.

Accommodation that houses more than six unrelated people must be registered by the Shire as a Lodging House. If you are the keeper of an unregistered lodging house or wish to open a lodging house, please contact the Shire for application forms and a copy of the applicable Health Local Law.

Applications for temporary accommodation of movable dwellings (such as caravans) on private land or any land outside the Caravan Park (with the exception of the RV Friendly Area arrangements) can be applied for at the Shire of Lake Grace .

Nuisances, Pests, Asbestos Containing Materials, Unauthorised Discharges

Investigate any observed or reported nuisances within the community that may affect the health of residents or visitors to the Shire. Dust, pests such as rodents, feral cats, mosquitoes, damaged or broken asbestos containing materials and unauthorised discharges which may contain chemicals or hydrocarbons, effluent or wastewater could cause health problems in the community. Please report any nuisance, health hazard or unauthorised discharge to the Shire for investigation.

Skin Penetration, Beauty Therapy and Hairdressing Premises

Assessment of all skin penetration and hairdressing premises to ensure that all procedures are carried out in a hygienic manner which will prevent the transmission of infection and disease. If you would like to start a business that performs skin penetration procedures or a hair dressing salon, please contact the Shire to make an appointment with the EHO.


Enforcement of the Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulations 1997.  This is to protect the residents of the Shire from the stress and irritation caused by unreasonable noise from parties, music, construction, specialised equipment and other sources. The Shire encourages residents to communicate their concerns to neighbours or workers responsible for creating unreasonable noise in their neighbourhood, however if you would like to make a confidential noise complaint, you can call or visit the Shire office.

Public Building Safety

Assessment of all public buildings within the Shire for compliance with the Health (Public Buildings) Regulations 1992 where applicable. The purpose of this is to ensure that places where people gather have the appropriate fire safety equipment, safe egress paths, adequate ablutions and can have enough room to accommodate members of the public. Public Buildings include pubs, clubs, halls, gymnasiums and even temporary events such as outdoor concerts and circuses. All public buildings, permanent or temporary, and any extensions and alterations are required to be approved by Council’s EHO. Please contact the Shire for application forms.