Fire Danger Ratings, Alerts and Warnings

When the Fire Danger Rating is High, Extreme or Catastrophic:

  • Permits are automatically suspended.
  • Burning (including garden refuse) is not allowed.
  • You cannot use any BBQ or cooker in the open air that requires solid fuel (wood or charcoal). This includes wood fired ovens or stoves
  • Campfires are not allowed.


Todays Fire Danger Rating:





Fire Weather District 

The Shire of Lake Grace is located in the "Lakes" Fire Weather District. Our fire danger ratings are associated with this district.

Alerts and Warnings

Western Australia is joining with other States and Territories to deliver nationally consistent emergency information through the Australian Warning System (AWS).

The warning level icons and colours change to reflect the increasing risk to life or property, and the action you need to keep yourself and your loved ones safe.

The following warning levels will be applied across all relevant hazards:

Alert or Warning Reason for Issue: Community Action Required:
Advice A fire has started but there is no immediate threat to lives or homes.
  • Prepare now
  • Stay informed
  • Monitor conditions
  • Avoid smoke
Watch and Act There is a possible threat to lives or homes.
  • Prepare to leave/evacuate
  • Leave/evacuate now (if you are not prepared)
  • Monitor conditions as they are changing
  • Be aware of ember attack
  • Not safe to return
Emergency Warning There is a threat to lives or homes.

These warnings are tailored to the threat. You are in danger and need to take immediate action to survive.

  • Leave/ evacuate
  • Take shelter
  • Too late/ dangerous to leave
Advice The fire front or immediate danger has passed or the fire is under control.
  • Stay informed, the threat is reduced
  • Avoid the area
  • Return with caution
  • Avoid smoke

To see the current alerts and warnings go to Emergency WA website.

Emergency Alert Telephone Warning System

Emergency Alert is a telephone warning system used to send emergency information to communities via landline and mobile telephones.

The system works by sending voice or text messages to phone numbers based on their service address or location.

It is a national system used by the fire and emergency services in all States and Territories.

DO NOT BLOCK +61 444 444 444.

This number is registered to the Emergency Alert service. If the caller ID number or message header on your phone displays the number '+61 444 444 444' it is genuine. Please save this number in your phone and enable Emergency Bypass through your phone's settings so you will be alerted even when your phone is on silent or do not disturb.

To find out more visit the Department of Fire and Emergency Services website.