Newdegate Hainsworth Building
The Hainsworth Building houses the Newdegate Pioneer Museum is situated on the corner of Mitchell and Collier Streets
Open Thursdays 11.00am - 4.30pm

The building was commissioned by Charles Hainsworth, its first owner, and was built by Ted Freeland, originally a ships carpenter, during 1933/34 as a general store and tearooms. The building operated as a General store from 1934 until 1972 and operated with several owners during that period.
The building continues to act as the Newdegate Pioneer Museum and a community facility.
The Hainsworth Building Committee, Shire of Lake Grace and various organisations are working together to ensure the long term sustainability of the site as well as delivering and engaging visitor experience.

Heritage Finalists and High Commendation Award 2013
Congratulations to the Newdegate Historical Society for the recognition of Outstanding Contribution to Heritage by a Community-Based Organisation nominated by the Shire of Lake Grace. They received a High Commendation at the Western Australian Heritage Awards at the State Theatre Centre of Western Australia.

Those present to receive the award were Susan Hall (Coordinator), Jan Orr, Roz Lloyd and Carol Lloyd, Lake Grace Shire- Councillor Ross Chappell and Cheryl Chappell.The Newdegate Hainsworth Building Committee was from the smallest community recognized for their achievements during the evening.
The Newdegate Historical Society has shown persistent passion in their efforts to develop the Hainsworth Building as a historical icon over many years. They have invested endless time and emotional energy into the development of the historic shop and residence into the museum we see today.The project has been championed by a hard working committee that has evolved and seen change over the years; however their belief in the project has never wavered. They are to be commended for their dedication to the project and their vision for tourism in their town and the communities within the Shire.