Integrated Planning
Integrated planning and reporting gives local governments a framework for establishing local priorities and to link this information to operational functions.
Elements of the Integrated Planning Framework

Through extensive community engagement and workshops the Shire of Lake Grace has produced the following documents to comply with the Local Government Act 1995.
Strategic Community Plan
The Strategic Community Plan captures the Shire community's collective vision, values, aspirations and priorities for the next ten years. The Shire would like to thank the community for their participation in the development of this plan.
To view the Shire of Lake Grace Strategic Community Plan for 2023 - 2033 click here
Corporate Business Plan
The Corporate Business Plan is an internal business planning tool that translates Council priorities into operations within the resources available.
The plan details the services, operations and projects a local government will deliver within a defined period. It also includes the processes for delivering these and the costs associated.
To view the Shire of Lake Grace Corporate Business Plan 2025-2028 Click Here
Strategic Resource Plan
The Shire of Lake Grace’s Strategic Resource Plan (previously know as the Long Term Financial Plan) is an important financial tool as we strive to achieve the strategies set out in the Strategic Community Plan.
The Plan provides the Council and the Community with a picture of the Shire's long term financial and asset management circumstances and contributes toward meeting the Shire's strategic objectives and outcomes.
To view the Shire of Lake Grace Strategic Resource Plan .
Workforce Plan
This Workforce Plan provides the workforce management and resource strategies necessary to deliver the objectives, outcomes and aspirations contained in the Shire of Lake Grace Community Strategic Plan.
To view the Shire of Lake Grace Workforce Plan.
Public Health and Wellbeing Plan
The Shire of Lake Grace Public Health and Wellbeing Plan is designed to provide direction in public health, healthy lifestyles and recreational pursuits. It is a stand-alone plan and has been designed to sit alongside Councils Strategic Community Plan.
To view the Shire's Public Health and Wellbeing Plan 2022 - 2026 click here