Approval of Local Planning Scheme No.4 Amendment No. 6

Published on Friday, 22 November 2024 at 12:00:00 PM

Please be advised that the Minister for Planning has approved of the Shire of Lake Grace's submission for an amendment to the Shire of Lake Grace Local Planning Scheme No. 4, named as Amendment No. 6.

This amendment seeks to:

  1. Remove all references to Special Use Zone No. SU12 in Schedule 4 of the Scheme Text
    which is described as the western most portion of Lot 1 Griffin Street, Lake Grace,
    however, now legally covers Lot 500 on Deposited Plan 47225 Wattle Drive, Lake Grace,
    and portions of Lots 90 (No. 9) and 91 (No. 1) South Road, Lake Grace; and
  2. Change the zoning of Lot 500 on Deposited plan 47225 Wattle Drive, Grace from ‘Special
    Use 12’ (SU12) to ‘Residential’ with a density coding of R30; and
  3. Change the zoning of the easternmost portion of Lot 90 (No. 9) South Road, Lake Grace
    from ‘Special Use 12’ (SU12) to ‘Special Use 4’ (SU4); and
  4. Change the zoning of the easternmost portion of Lot 91 (No. 1) South Road, Lake Grace
    from ‘Recreation’ reserve and ‘Special Use 12’ (SU12) to ‘Special Use 4’ (SU4); and
  5. Amend the relevant Scheme map accordingly.

Further details, including rationale for the amendment, deposited plans, and proposed plans, are available in the document linked on this page.

Please note that this amendment has no subdivision portion to it, which the Shire will carry out under a separate process with the Western Australian Planning Commission.