Special Meeting of Council

Published on Thursday, 25 July 2024 at 10:28:54 AM

In accordance with section 5.25(g) of the Local Government Act 1995, residents of the Shire of Lake Grace are advised a Special Meeting of Council will be held on:

Wednesday 31 July at 4.00pm

Council Chambers

1 Bishop Street, Lake Grace

Council meetings are open to the public and members of the community are encouraged to attend and ask questions and make comments relating to Shire activities. A minimum of fifteen (15) minutes is allowed at the beginning of each meeting for questions from the public. The Agenda is available on the Shire website at https://www.lakegrace.wa.gov.au/council-meetings For more information contact the Executive Assistant on 9890 2500 or email shire@lakegrace.wa.gov.au


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